Creator:Gustin Hydraulics Date Created: Place Created:Salt Lake City, Utah Keywords:drum oil Context:invoice sent to H Tracy Hall Inc ************************************************** SOLD TO Gustin Hydraulics Franchised Parts & Service Depot Fcfr All Major Makes of Hydraulic Jacks and Tire Changing Equipment INVOICE NO. 151 WEST 2130 SOUTH (COMMONWEALTH AVE. ) PHONE 487-0624 965 2, H Tracy Ball lac. Bis 7533 SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH 84115 SHIP TO Prwo, Pfh 84602 REQ. NO. CUSTOMER ORDER NO. CASH C.O.D. OPEN SHIP DATE 8-6-74 VIA w/c INVOICE DATE 9-6-74 QTY. B.O. SHIPPED DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE TOTAL LIST DISC. AMOUNT Droa oil. 105. 15_ LABOR MERCHANDISE TERMS: NET All accounts are due and payable on the 10th of the month following invoice date. A Finance Charge of I per month which is on Annual Rate of 18% will be charged pn past due accounts. Title to the above listed merchandise shall remain with the seller until fully paid for^fc£ii^£tjj}aJs made by suij^ar otherwise, customer agrees to pay collection costs plus a reasonable gtlcrrrl^y CUSTOMER'S SIGNATURE'^ 105 SUB-TOTAL _|05 15 .15 SALES TAX SHIPPING & C.O.D. CHARGES TOTAL INVOICE 105.15 NO MERCHANDISE RETURNABLE WITHOUT INVOICE CUSTOMER'S COPY